Sunday, May 18, 2008

Kampala to Cairo

From the hustle of Kampala to the bedlam of Cairo, via loose times in Sudan.....

From Uganda, I passed through the Kartoum airport in Sudan just a few hours before the latest rebel attack on the city, which could have somewhat interrupted my plans - hello Africa. I managed to find mum in Cairo, home to 22 million crazy drivers, and have been out and about seeing the sights of this ancient place for the last week or so.
For those fleece enthusiasts, come to Egypt - you only have to walk another metre to find someone else keen to rip you off, take you on a tour with his brother's mate, or charge you triple the going price for a taxi (taxi drivers are quite shifty here) - gotta be on your toes the whole time!

So far highlights have been the pyramids and sphinx at Giza, the Egyptian museum including King Tuts treasures and ancient mummies, a 3-day bedouin trek in the Sinai Desert, the ancient city of Petra in Jordan and the Abu Simbel temple - we have been busy! Next up is a Nile cruise, a day or two extra, and then its off to Europe. Gold.

Here are some fotos:

Sphinx! Large pile of stones!

Mum, always the beduoin, tromping across the Sinai Desert

The ancient treasury building in Petra, Jordan

Felucca on the Nile at Aswan

Me at Abu Simbel, trying hard to fit in

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