Thursday, July 17, 2008

From Rostock to Graz....

Aha! Since last time.... I managed to find myself at Dirk's house in Rostock (NE Germany), where I picked up my bike and, after a pretty action-packed weekend, started riding south towards Austria.
Over the next two weeks I covered over 700km by bike, slightly busted my knee and spent 4 days in a caravan recovering, ate enough bread and salami to sink a ship, caught too many trains, and discovered the joys of gondola-assisted downhilling in Tirol!
Now I have finally made it to Angi's house near Graz (Austria), and some more adventures are in the pipeline....
Here are some fotos of my bike trip:

Heading off from Dirk's house in Rostock.

Radwanderweg! (Rad = bike)

The first night's camping was quite reasonably priced...

Hans and his dog Purdy, the knee-saving team.

'Work sets you free'...yeah right! Entrance to Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, Oranienberg.

Landeck Castle, Tirol, Austria.

About to roost downhill from 2400m, into the fog - yeeehaaaa!

Endless switchbacks down the mountain face...downhill heaven!

Altfinstermunz, ancient Roman toll bridge on the Inn River, Tirol.

Gotta love riding in the rain!

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